Our journey as a pair of Texans learning British way of life.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Leed's Castle

Hi All! Sorry again for the lack of postings, but my parents have been here the past week and will be here one more week as well.

The day after they arrived we hit the road for the Southern parts of England. I must say Cam and I must be lucky people as we got another nice Mercedes for our rental car!

Our first stop on this road trip down to the coast was Leeds Castle in Kent, England. It's a lovely castle set on two islands with a moat still surrounding it. I must say seeing a moat for the first time that was still filled made a much bigger impact on me.

There were lovely courtyards and architectural interests.

Wonderful gardens and animals, including this swan with her young. Leeds Castle is home to some black swans, and is part of their logo, but I never got one on camera.

Regal peacocks...

Grand carved wood beam ceilings...

and carved staircases...

Although, not part of the historical network here in England, it's still a lovely castle to see and was a great opportunity to stretch our legs from the car in their beautiful gardens.


  1. I love castles and really can't get enough of them. Probably because you just don't see that kind of stuff here in the U.S (although they're a dime a dozen in Europe!)
    I find it amazing that people could actually construct such buildings all those years ago!

  2. that's awesome! have i mentioned how jealous i am of this mercedes business??? keep the pics coming!
